Benefits of Music
Study after study indicates the wide range of benefits that students gain from participating in a school band program. There is now powerful evidence of a cause and effect link between music instruction and intelligence. Here in Essex we strive to teach beyond the music, cultivating an exceptional experience for all students.
Testimonials and Press
Fall 2024 Essex Reporter Article
"It wouldn't be graduation without music....and as soon as the first strains of pomp and circumstance were heard the sniffles started and tissues came out! Thank you band members!"
-Heather Benton, Former Band Parent.
"My son played in band from 4th - 12th in Essex Jct. I thought his marching band through his high school years was the best, until I heard the EHS band this morning. The music was tight, in tune, and marching pretty good. Thanks to all of you for taking the time on a hot Saturday morning to participate in this important event." - Former Band Parent, May 2016
Overheard during the Memorial Day Parade 2019:
"We are so fortunate to have such a good high school band in our town!"
"Wow...the Essex band has been doing this parade forever, and they're always so good!"
"What's that honey? You want to be in the band someday? You want to play drums when you're in the band? That's great!" (parent to a small child)
"I just love to hear that band play!"
Join the Band!
The Essex Bands are becoming known throughout Vermont as a program of excellence. Our students have been recognized for their musicianship by being accepted into districts, the VT All State Festival band, orchestra, and jazz band, the New England Music Festival band and jazz band, and the National Sousa Honors Band.
The bands commission music with composers, meet famous composers over Zoom, and have guest artists work with our students regularly. The Essex SWARM! is the envy of fans from communities throughout Vermont. Simply stated...there is a place for everyone in this program.
Study after study indicates the wide range of benefits that students gain from participating in a school band program. There is now powerful evidence of a cause and effect link between music instruction and intelligence. Here in Essex we strive to teach beyond the music, cultivating an exceptional experience for all students.
You are about to become a part of this huge band community. We are excited to have you be a part of our band family!
Contact Mrs. Trutor for details on how you can sign up for band!